After many years of immense creativity, concerts all over the world, smiles and applauses, we regret to announce that ZOOBAZAR band has decided to stop their activities for now due to internal changes in their infrastructure.

We would like to thank all of you, friends, musicians, promoters, festivals, radios, booking agencies, national and international institutions for all your unconditional support during all these years.
The experience has been very pleasant and we achieved many unbelievable goals and played in so many countries, that makes us feel very satisfied and thankful.
We’ve embraced this project with gratitude and honor. We believe in the important contribution that Zoobazar has made with their Mediterranean Music to World Music.

We attach you here below the official release and personal message they have prepared for all of you to understand the situation.


Dear friends,
We, the members of the band Zoobazar, would like to announce that we have made the decision to stop our project and activities for an uncertain amount of time.

The artistic restlessness and interests of each one of us are very diverse at the moment and our professional schedules in this past year have made it almost impossible to make a 100% commitment and focus on the project Zoobazar. At the same time our wish to grow with our personal projects that we have been working on has led us to the point to make a break and re-evaluate our status quo to find a new way for the future.

After twelve wonderful years of creation we have come to the point where each one of us has different priorities. The important thing to us right now is personal growth and find a new process of artistic creativity. Probably this will lead us to a new way of understanding and projecting our music with Zoobazar in the future. New paths lead to new projects. It will be always a big pleasure for us to be able to share and enjoy with you our new and upcoming projects. We are willing to give our best always.
We would like to thank all our fans, friends, musicians, promoters, festivals, radios, booking agencies, national and international institutions for all your unconditional support during all these years. We thank specially our Zoomusic Management who has believed in us since the very beginning and whose determination and good work have made the band grow enormously in the past five years. We feel very fortunate to have you all in our lives and therefore we would like to continue to offer you more music in the future. We hope you understand and support our situation, decision and point of view.

Until now we had many wonderful years of great musical experiences, travels, tours and specially great joy with all our audiences. Thank you for who you are!
We would like to continue counting with your unconditional energy and support in the future and can’t express enough our gratitude towards you.
We will keep informing you about our activities and hope to see you soon on stage! You can follow us individually on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

Viva la Música, Viva el Arte y Viva la Cultura!

Amir – Pablo – Héctor – Diego
*** ZOOBAZAR ***