Zoobazar will play at WOMEX 2014

We are very proud to announce that ZOOBAZAR will play at WOMEX 2014, the biggest world music expo! Their showcase is into the programm Atlantic Connections, and the concert will be: Friday 24th of October, at 00:00h Teatro Principal, Rua Nova 21 Santiago de...

Amir John Haddad on tour through South Africa with SOULFOOT

3 weeks at the Nelson Mandela Theatre in Johannesburg Soulfoot is a mesmerizing multi-ethnic show where music, dance and visual performing arts blend together into an emotionally unforgettable experience. World Music with acrobats from Vietnam, South African dance,...

Zoobazar on the Soundtrack of FIFA World Cup Brazil 2014

José Miguel López, the presenter of radio program Discopolis, has made the spanish selection of songs which will be included on the Soundtrack of FIFA World Cup Brazil 2014. Music that will sound in the stadiums, press conferences, meetings, conventions, etc.. We are...

Zoobazar at Ollin Kan Festival in Porto

We are delighted to announce that the 14th December, our quartet Zoobazar will perform at Ollin Kan Festival of Porto, Portugal. The International Festival of Cultures in Resistance Ollin Kan is an approximation to a different view of those who resist and defend their...